Off Page SEO for Ecommerce Website – The Link Building Blueprint to Outrank Competitors Revealed

by | Nov 14, 2023 | Dental SEO

Want to boost your ecommerce site’s search rankings without touching a line of code or hiring an expensive SEO agency? The answer lies in strategic off-page SEO and link building – but doing it the right way is crucial. In this comprehensive guide, we reveal the link building blueprint that leading ecommerce sites use to outperform competitors, along with actionable tips to implement it yourself. With the right strategy, you can land quality backlinks, earn trust signals, and climb the SERPs – read on to unlock the secrets top sites use to dominate organic search.

Why is off page seo for ecommerce website Important?

Off page SEO is absolutely critical for any ecommerce website looking to improve their search engine rankings and drive more organic traffic. Unlike standard informational sites, ecommerce stores rely heavily on search visibility and traffic to generate sales and revenue online. This is why dedicating time and resources to off page SEO for ecommerce websites is one of the most high-impact SEO activities they can invest in.

At its core, the goal of any off-page SEO effort is to earn backlinks from external websites. This helps search engines like Google establish trust and authority in that website, which directly influences how highly it ranks for relevant queries. The more quality backlinks an ecommerce site can build over time, the more dominant it will become in SERPs for commercial intent keywords and product terms in its niche.

But not all links are created equal when it comes to off page SEO for ecommerce websites. The focus should be on building links from reputable sources with good domain authority and traffic. Contextual links embedded within compelling content perform much better than basic directory submissions or widget links. Guest posting on industry blogs, landing press features, and blogger outreach are all great options to build quality backlinks at scale.

The impact of focusing on the right off page SEO for ecommerce websites can have a transformative effect on organic search performance. Sites that dedicate effort to content promotion and strategic link building tend to achieve much higher rankings, more organic traffic, and better conversion rates over the long-term. For any ecommerce business looking to expand its reach online, off page SEO needs to be a top priority.

When it comes to off page SEO for ecommerce websites, there are certain link building strategies that tend to produce the best results. Focusing on these tried and tested tactics can help ecommerce sites build high-quality backlinks at scale to improve search performance. Here are some of the most effective strategies to consider:

Guest Blogging – Reaching out to reputable blogs in your industry to contribute guest posts is a proven link building tactic. Make sure to get contextual links back to your site within these articles. Having keyword-relevant anchor text helps too. Guest blogging lets you tap into the domain authority and existing audience of these external sites.

Influencer Marketing – Identify relevant influencers in your niche with engaged social followings. Provide them discounts or free products in exchange for reviews, mentions, and backlinks. Microinfluencers with focused audiences often convert better for ecommerce. This humanizes your brand and builds word-of-mouth credibility.

Link Insertions – Approach third-party websites like roundups, lists, and directories to get your site and a backlink included. Make sure these are niche-relevant sites with good traffic. Link insertions help diversify your backlink profile for better SEO impact.

Broken Link Building – Find lists and resources pages with broken links in your industry. Offer to provide a replacement resource on your own site to fill those gaps. This tactic helps establish your site as an authority site worth linking to.

The key is to blend these strategies as part of an overarching off page SEO approach for ecommerce websites. Balance anchor text diversity, link velocity, and link quality for the best results. With a sound link building framework, your ecommerce site can outperform competitors in organic search.

The key to successful outreach for backlinks is identifying the right websites to connect with. For an ecommerce website focused on off page SEO, here are some proven tactics to locate quality linking opportunities:

Start by analyzing your top competitors’ backlink profiles using tools like Ahrefs. Look at where they are getting links from and the anchor text distribution. Replicate their success by reaching out to similar sites in your space.

Leverage link prospecting tools like BuzzStream or Pitchbox to specifically look for sites that are already linking to resources relevant to your niche. These sites are primed for outreach.

Search for roundups, lists, and directories related to your industry and offering comparison style content. Getting your ecommerce site added not only earns a link, but also raises awareness.

Use Google searches and filter by filetype:pdf to uncover lists, guides, and resources with dead links you can replace. Or search inurl:links pages to find link lists.

Check who your brand evangelists and loyal customers are linking to and interacting with online. Connecting with those sites builds an extended community.

Join relevant online communities and groups to network with site owners and influencers in your niche. Develop relationships before pitching for links.

Essentially, you want to identify sites, resources, and influencers that align closely with your ecommerce brand and offerings. Prioritize opportunities where you can provide real value through your content and expertise. With the right research and relationship building, you can continually expand the off page SEO and backlink profile for your ecommerce website.

Creating high-quality, valuable content is the best way to organically attract backlinks as part of an off page SEO strategy for ecommerce websites. But what specific types of content tend to be the most effective for link building?

In-depth Guides – Produce comprehensive guides that dive deep into a topic in your niche. For example, an ecommerce site could create the definitive guide to selecting the best products in a certain category. These resource-style posts demonstrate expertise.

Curated Lists/Roundups – Curation works well to attract links, like showcasing the top trending products in your industry or highlighting influencers to follow. Make sure to update these regularly.

Exclusive Data or Research – Generate original data by surveying your customers or industry. Analyze the competitive landscape for key insights. Links love exclusive statistics and data.

Product Reviews – In-depth and comparative reviews of popular products related to your ecommerce site’s offerings. Include pros/cons, side-by-side comparisons, ratings etc.

Interviews – Profile and interview relevant experts, brands, or influencers in your niche. The interviewee will likely share the piece as well.

Opinion Editorials – Share your unique opinions and perspectives on developments in your ecommerce niche. Present contrarian views or forecasts for the future.

Leverage these content formats not just on your own site, but also for guest posting outreach. Packed with data, analysis and insights, they attract high quality links. Make sure to optimize and promote each piece for maximum impact. Over time, you can build an entire content marketing machine that drives off page SEO results for ecommerce.

How to Build Relationships with Influencers in Your Niche?

Influencers can be a powerful ally when it comes to off page SEO for ecommerce websites. But simply blasting them once with a link request won’t work. Building genuine relationships takes time and effort. Here are some tips:

  • Identify micro and niche influencers with engaged audiences in your space. Big names are tough to connect with, go for influencers under 100K reach.
  • Provide value by sharing their content and interacting meaningfully over social media before pitching. Comment and add insight.
  • When reaching out, personalize emails explaining who you are and why it would be mutually beneficial to collaborate.
  • Offer to provide exclusive discounts or free products in exchange for reviews and mentions rather than demanding links.
  • Partner on giveaways or contests to increase engagement. Influencers love growing their following.
  • Ask how you can help them achieve their goals rather than just taking from them. Find ways to support first.
  • Stay in touch after that initial relationship spark. Nurture it by checking in and seeing how they are doing.
  • Avoid spamming the same influencers repeatedly. Space out your asks and change up the value you provide.

The goal is to turn influencers into true brand advocates who will organically mention and link to your ecommerce site because they love it themselves. This level of relationship takes effort but pays dividends for off page SEO in the long haul.

Monitoring and tracking link building efforts is crucial to understand the ROI and optimize future strategies. Here are some tips for ecommerce sites to measure link building impact:

  • Use link tracking software like Linkody and LinkMiner to centralize all your outreach and monitor link metrics. This allows you to see which tactics are earning links.
  • Set up Google Search Console to keep track of new links pointing to your site and indexation rate. Sudden surges can indicate a link building win.
  • Leverage analytics tools like SEMrush and Ahrefs to regularly audit your domain’s backlink profile. Watch for new root domains, keywords and anchor text.
  • Monitor rankings in Google for your target keywords. Steady ranking gains, especially for competitive keywords, indicate positive SEO impact from links.
  • Use ranking tracking software like Rank Ranger to record SERP rankings over time and attribute changes to link building campaigns.
  • Track website traffic from organic search to see if link building is driving increases in site visitors. Higher traffic should ultimately impact sales.
  • Review conversion rate metrics to see if link building leads to more sales. This is the real ROI that matters.

Essentially, you want continuous monitoring across link building, rankings, traffic, and conversions. Analyze what activities influence positive or negative changes. This allows you to double down on what works and course correct where needed. With proper tracking, you can directly correlate link building to SEO and ecommerce success.

Looking to improve your dental SEO and attract more patients? Consider partnering with a specialized agency like OakCitySEO for all your SEO dentistry needs. Their team of experts can help optimize your website with tactics like adding more keywords per page, leveraging your CMS for SEO, and performing in-depth SEO analysis

OakCitySEO also offers SEO internships and has extensive experience with local SEO for dentists, orthodontist SEO, selecting the right dental SEO keywords, and stay ahead of competitors through effective dental SEO marketing campaigns. 
By tapping into their dental SEO, local search for dentists, and digital marketing expertise, you can drive more qualified leads and grow your thriving dental practice. Reach out to OakCitySEO today to learn more about their dental SEO services and get a customized game plan for dominating local searches.