Technical SEO Audit – The Comprehensive Checklist for Site Optimization Revealed

by | Nov 14, 2023 | SEO Tips

technical seo audit

Is your website underperforming in search rankings? It may be time for a technical SEO audit. An exhaustive inspection of your site’s backend can unveil optimization issues you never knew existed. In this comprehensive guide, we reveal the meticulous checklist used by top experts to diagnose technical problems and boost site performance. With these secrets, you can master the technical SEO audit process and unlock your site’s true ranking potential. Read on to learn the methodology that transforms websites from SEO mediocrity to search engine stardom.

What is a Technical SEO Audit and Why is it Important?

A technical SEO audit is a comprehensive inspection and evaluation of a website’s backend technical elements that affect search engine optimization and performance. It involves carefully combing through all aspects of a site’s architecture, on-page optimization, speed, accessibility, and more. Conducting a regular technical SEO audit is crucial for identifying issues that may be hindering your rankings and fixing them.

A technical SEO audit examines both obvious on-page factors like meta titles and descriptions, as well as behind-the-scenes elements like site architecture, internal linking, duplicate content, page speed, structured data markup, and server performance. Auditing these technical SEO factors allow you to diagnose problems and capitalize on optimization opportunities.

The goal of a technical SEO audit is to improve your site’s ability to be crawled, indexed, and ranked by search engines. A site with faster load times, clean code, and optimized pages sends positive signals to Google that improve ranking potential. Technical issues like crawl errors, thin content, excessive redirects, and site architecture problems do the opposite. That’s why a regular technical SEO audit is so important.

Prioritizing technical SEO factors will also better prepare your site for future algorithm updates. Google’s indexes are becoming more advanced and placing greater emphasis on page experience factors. Staying on top of your technical SEO will help future-proof your rankings.

In summary, a technical SEO audit examines the backbone of your website to find and resolve technical problems holding back your rankings. Regularly conducting this crucial inspection will allow you to optimize technical SEO factors and achieve higher search visibility.

What are the Core Elements of a Technical SEO Audit?

A comprehensive technical SEO audit examines several core elements that make up a website’s technical foundation. Auditing these key factors allows you to identify issues that may be hindering your site’s performance and SEO.

Some of the core elements of a technical SEO audit include:

Site Architecture – Analyzing site architecture involves evaluating the website’s information architecture and internal linking structure. This includes examining the sitemap for errors and inspecting inter-page linking to identify orphaned pages or linking gaps. Proper site architecture improves crawlability.

On-Page Optimization – On-page optimization factors directly impact how pages perform for target keywords. A technical SEO audit will assess elements like page titles, meta descriptions, H1 and H2 tags, image alt text, and content formatting. Optimizing these on-page elements improves relevancy.

Page Speed – Page speed is a ranking factor, so auditing page load times and performance is essential. This includes analyzing page size, image compression, minification of code, and caching to identify optimizations to improve speed.

Technical Infrastructure – A site’s technical infrastructure includes elements like the CMS, server performance, HTTPS implementation, and indexing directives. Auditing these ensures proper crawlability and indexation.

Mobile Friendliness – With mobile representing over 50% of search traffic, mobile optimization is a necessity. An audit identifies issues like small tap targets, poor responsiveness, or problematic navigation.

Fixing problems with these core technical SEO elements through regular audits can significantly enhance a website’s search performance. A comprehensive technical audit provides the insights needed to resolve critical issues.

How Do You Audit Site Architecture and Internal Linking?

Auditing a website’s architecture and internal linking is a key part of a technical SEO audit. Proper site architecture directly impacts crawlability and indexation. Meanwhile, strategic internal linking allows pages to pass relevance and authority across your site.

When conducting an architecture audit, you need to crawl the site to identify any crawl errors or broken pages. Review XML or HTML sitemaps for errors. Inspect the information architecture to ensure it is clean and semantic. Identify orphaned pages not linked from other pages.

Analyze the internal link structure to find broken links and gaps where related content is not cross-linked. Internal links should follow a natural path based on topical relevance, not overly complicated schemes. Pages higher in hierarchies should link down to related content.

Check that key site pages like the homepage, blog, contact, about, etc have strong internal link equity flowing to them. Identify where thin or duplicate content may be stealing equity from more important pages.

Tools like Screaming Frog, Ahrefs, and SEMRush can crawl sites to analyze page titles, h1 tags, internal links, and architectures. The reports reveal technical SEO audit findings for architecture and internal linking.

Optimizing architecture and internal linking through ongoing technical SEO audits improves crawl budgets, cuts out crawl waste, and assists search engines in properly indexing sites. Clean architecture and smart interlinking are the foundation of successful technical SEO.

What Should You Look for in an On-Page Optimization Audit?

On-page optimization focuses on elements of individual pages that affect how search engines assess relevancy for keywords. A technical SEO audit will carefully inspect these on-page factors.

Some key on-page elements to examine in an audit include:

  • Page titles – Evaluate if titles are descriptive and match page content, under 60 chars, and use target keywords.
  • Meta descriptions – Check they summarize page content, use keywords, and compel clicks under 160 chars.
  • Headings tags – Inspect proper hierarchy and use of keywords in H1, H2, H3 header tags.
  • Image alt text – Confirm all images have descriptive alt text using keywords where logical.
  • Content structure – Audit content is well-organized, uses keyword synonyms/variants, and has keyword density of 1-3%.
  • Media enhancement – Check for properly formatted tables, graphs, videos to complement text content.
  • Structured data markup – Validate proper JSON-LD, markup for rich snippets.

Optimizing these elements where issues are found improves page-level SEO. On-page signals directly influence rankings, so auditing them via technical SEO assessments is crucial.

Tools like Moz, Ahrefs and Screaming Frog analyze on-page factors at scale to identify optimization opportunities. Capitalize on these through ongoing technical SEO audits and your keyword rankings will climb.

How Do You Evaluate Page Speed and Site Performance?

Page speed and overall site performance are critical ranking factors according to Google. That’s why auditing them via technical SEO assessments is so important.

Evaluating page speed starts with analysis tools like Google PageSpeed Insights, Pingdom, and WebPageTest to measure actual load times. Identify any pages taking over 3 seconds to load – these should be optimized first.

Check page weight and size – large page size over 3MB could indicate bloated images, videos, ads or widgets that can be optimized. Minifying code, enabling compression, and optimizing media are key speed gains.

Review server performance and CDN config. Site hosting on outdated servers leads to slow load times. Transitioning to cloud infrastructure with content delivery networks can significantly improve speed.

Test site speed on mobile vs desktop. Mobile speed is especially important with mobile-first indexing. Optimize mobile site speed through resized images, eliminated redirects, and responsive design.

Faster sites send positive signals to Google’s rankings algorithms. By making page speed and performance core to your technical SEO audits, you can unlock faster indexing and improved rankings.

What Tools Do You Need to Conduct a Comprehensive Technical Audit?

Conducting regular technical SEO audits requires having the right set of tools to analyze all aspects of your site’s performance. The key tools to include in your auditing toolkit are:

  • Site crawlers – Tools like Screaming Frog, DeepCrawl, and Botify provide comprehensive crawling to surface technical issues. Crawlers reveal site architecture, internal linking, on-page factors, broken links, metadata, page speed, and more.
  • Page speed analyzers – Google PageSpeed Insights, Pingdom, and WebPageTest measure real-world page load times and performance on mobile and desktop. Page speed tools help identify optimization opportunities.
  • Link analyzers – Ahrefs, Majestic, Moz and SEMrush quantify internal link equity flow between pages and identify gaps. This shows pages stealing equity versus those that need more.
  • Google Search Console – Provides key technical SEO data like crawl errors, index status, mobile usability, and manual penalty warnings. Integrate GSC in audits.
  • Accessibility checkers – Tools like WebAIM, Achecker, and Wave evaluate accessibility issues to address in audits. Ensuring ADA compliance improves technical SEO.

Having the right toolkit makes performing regular technical health checks efficient and insightful. Focus audits on identifying fixes that create the biggest search visibility gains.

Technical SEO Audit Conclusion 

Regularly conducting comprehensive technical SEO audits is crucial for identifying optimization opportunities and resolving site issues hindering search performance. 

By auditing core elements like site architecture, internal linking, on-page factors, page speed, and technical infrastructure, you can diagnose problems and improve website health. Invest time in ongoing technical assessments, leverage the right auditing tools, and you’ll unlock more search traffic through higher rankings, faster page load times, and better click-through rates. 

With the checklist and methodology outlined in this guide, you now have the blueprint to master technical SEO audits and transform your website into a search engine-friendly powerhouse.

Looking to improve your dental SEO and attract more patients? Consider partnering with a specialized agency like OakCitySEO for all your SEO dentistry needs. Their team of experts can help optimize your website with tactics like adding more keywords per page, leveraging your CMS for SEO, and performing in-depth SEO analysis

OakCitySEO also offers SEO internships and has extensive experience with local SEO for dentists, orthodontist SEO, selecting the right dental SEO keywords, and stay ahead of competitors through effective dental SEO marketing campaigns. 
By tapping into their dental SEO, local search for dentists, and digital marketing expertise, you can drive more qualified leads and grow your thriving dental practice. Reach out to OakCitySEO today to learn more about their dental SEO services and get a customized game plan for dominating local searches.