Thinking of Hiring an SEO Analyst? Read This Quick Guide First!

by | Sep 13, 2023 | SEO Jobs

SEO Analyst

What is an SEO analyst?

An SEO analyst is responsible for improving a website’s search engine rankings so it gets found more easily by target users.

Their main goals are to:

  • Increase organic traffic from search engines like Google
  • Help content rank higher for relevant keyword phrases
  • Boost website visibility in SERPs

Key responsibilities typically include:

  • Conducting keyword research to ID high-potential terms
  • Optimizing on-page elements for target keywords (titles, headers, content, etc.)
  • Improving technical SEO factors like site speed, mobile-friendliness and CMS SEO
  • Building high-quality backlinks from other sites
  • Tracking and reporting on key ranking and traffic metrics
  • Identifying new opportunities to improve SEO performance

In a nutshell, an SEO analyst helps maximize search traffic and conversions by getting pages to rank higher in Google. But what specific skills does this work require? Let’s look at that next.

What specific tasks does an SEO analyst perform?

SEO analysts wear many hats to improve website visibility and traffic. Their day-to-day tasks typically include:

  • Keyword research – Identifying high-potential terms and analyzing the competitiveness around ranking for them. This informs content and link building.
  • On-page optimization – Optimizing page titles, headers, URLs, content, image alt text and more to target focus keywords.
  • Content creation – Producing blog posts and web content designed to rank for priority terms. May involve writing or managing writers.
  • Technical SEO – Improving site crawlability, speed, security, etc. to meet Google’s standards. Requires technical knowledge.
  • Link building – Outreaching and securing backlinks from reputable external sites to build domain authority.
  • Rank tracking & reporting – Monitoring rankings in Google and other search engines. Providing reports on traffic, conversions and other key metrics.
  • Ongoing analysis – Continually looking for new opportunities to improve rankings and traffic. Researching competitor activity and industry trends.

SEO analysts stay busy executing tasks that increase visibility and search engine real estate. But what skills and experience should you look for when hiring one? Read on to find out.

What skills does a good SEO analyst need?

Search Analyst

Top SEO analysts possess a diverse blend of hard and soft skills. Here are some of the most important:

  • In-depth knowledge of SEO best practices – Understands techniques like on-page optimization, technical SEO, link building, keyword research, and more. Stays on top of Google algorithm changes.
  • Analytical skills – Can gather, interpret, and derive insights from website data and metrics. Identifies issues and opportunities.
  • Coding abilities – Proficiency in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript is needed to improve site performance and fix technical SEO issues.
  • Research expertise – Strong research skills are critical for competitive analysis, keyword discovery, and link prospecting.
  • Communication skills – Clearly conveys SEO issues, insights, and recommendations to non-technical team members and stakeholders.
  • Creativity – Ability to develop innovative link building and content strategies that drive results.
  • Passion for SEO – Dedicated to continually improving skills and optimizing campaigns. Natural curiosity to learn.

The best analysts blend technical prowess with communication, creativity, and analytical abilities. But what can you expect an SEO pro to deliver results-wise? Let’s explore that next.

How much does hiring an SEO analyst cost?

SEO Analyst Cost

The cost to hire an SEO analyst varies based on several factors:

For an in-house analyst, you need to budget for both salary and overhead costs. Entry-level SEO analyst salaries typically start around $40,000-$60,000 per year according to Indeed. More experienced analysts can earn over $100,000 annually. Factor in employment taxes, healthcare, equipment, tools, and other overhead – and you’re looking at investing around $90,000-$130,000+ for an in-house resource.

Alternatively, SEO consultant rates average $150-$500 per hour. Retainer packages at SEO agencies typically cost between $1,000-$5,000 per month based on services required. Packages including content production are more expensive. Firms may also charge one-time optimization fees.

Generally, bringing SEO fully in-house makes more sense for larger companies. SMBs can benefit from working with an experienced consultant or agency – especially when lacking bandwidth. This route also provides access to proven strategies without an extensive hiring process.

Whether you hire in-house or outsource, the investment pays dividends through increased organic visibility, lower cost-per-click, and greater website authority over time. But what specific results can you expect from a competent SEO analyst? Let’s look at realistic outcomes next.

What results can I expect from an SEO analyst?

A skilled SEO analyst should be able to deliver significant improvements, but manage expectations properly. Many factors affect timeframes and the extent of ranking growth.

For an established site in a moderately competitive space, you could expect to see organic traffic increase 15-30% within 6-12 months of focused SEO efforts. Improving technical factors like site speed can boost conversions across all traffic sources as well.

Targeting more competitive keywords against authoritative sites will take more time and work. The level of existing domain authority also impacts potential gains – newer sites have more room for growth.

Rather than promise top rankings or massive traffic, a good analyst will set realistic targets and monitor progress through consistent tracking and reporting. Competitor activity, Google algorithm updates, and seasonality in your niche can all influence timelines.

Ongoing link building, content creation, and optimization are required to continually improve authority and rankings. SEO is an investment that compounds results over years – not a short-term tactic.

Now that you know what SEO analysts do and typical results, should you hire in-house or outsource? We’ll compare the pros and cons of each approach next.

When does it make sense to hire an in-house analyst vs. outsourcing SEO?

Deciding between an in-house SEO analyst or outsourced agency depends on your business size, budget, and goals. Here are some key considerations:

In-House SEO Analyst

SEO Employee


  • Full control over strategies and proprietary assets
  • Deep knowledge of your brand, products, customers
  • Focused only on your website and objectives
  • Cost savings at high workload levels


  • Significant HR overhead to recruit and retain talent
  • Higher costs for smaller workloads
  • Access only to existing analyst’s skills and bandwidth

Outsourced SEO Agency

SEO Team


  • Turnkey access to proven strategies and best practices
  • Experienced skills without extensive hiring process
  • Scalable workload capacity as needed
  • Lower risk for smaller companies or budgets


  • Less control over specific strategies
  • Potential knowledge gap about your business
  • Higher cost for larger and ongoing workloads

In general, larger enterprises tend to benefit from dedicated in-house SEO resources. Smaller businesses can take advantage of turnkey expertise and scalability through an agency model initially.

No matter which option you choose, the real key is partnering with skilled analysts committed to driving results through best practices – not shortcuts. But how can you assess an SEO pro’s skills?

 We’ll cover the red flags to watch for next.

What red flags should I watch out for with SEO analysts?

SEO Red Flag

Not all SEO analysts rely on ethical strategies and realistic practices. Here are some red flags to watch out for:

  • Promising quick #1 rankings or unreasonable results
  • Using black hat tactics like keyword stuffing, hidden text, or sneaky redirects
  • Spammy link building from low-quality sites
  • Lacking transparency about their process and strategies
  • Unable to clearly explain their approach or technical recommendations
  • No documentation through reports and data analysis
  • High-pressure sales tactics and inflexible contracts
  • Unwilling to follow Google’s webmaster guidelines
  • Outdated knowledge on current SEO best practices
  • Focus only on search rankings, not actual business results

Effective SEO requires a balance of short and long-term optimization using white hat, results-driven strategies. Analysts should demonstrate expertise across technical and content-focused areas – not just promise top rankings.

Proceeding cautiously helps avoid issues down the road. But once you do hire an analyst, how can you maximize their impact? We’ll dive into performance evaluation tactics next.

How can I motivate and evaluate an SEO analyst?

Optimizing the performance of an SEO analyst requires clearly setting expectations, providing adequate resources, and tying efforts to business results.

Start by defining specific goals and KPIs you want them to achieve based on broader business objectives – don’t just tell them to “improve rankings.” Connect their efforts to metrics like organic traffic, conversions, and revenue.

Give them access to all required tools, data, and platforms necessary to execute on strategies properly. Support from developers for technical projects can be key.

Maintain open communication – solicit their input on challenges and discuss new opportunities. Set regular meetings to review reports, rankings, and traffic trends.

Provide training opportunities to keep their skills sharp. Allow them to attend SEO conferences and certification programs to stay on top of best practices.

Recognize and reward outstanding initiatives that deliver results, not just completing routine tasks. Incentives tied to performance metrics can motivate.

Managing your SEO analyst like any other marketing role, with transparency and accountability, ensures they have everything required to optimize efforts.

So in summary – is SEO an ongoing investment, or just a short-term fix? Let’s explore whether these efforts require a long-term commitment.

Is SEO a short-term play or ongoing strategy?

Unlike some marketing tactics, SEO requires an ongoing commitment to see lasting results. Google’s algorithm evolves constantly – remaining visible requires continuous optimization.

In the short term, activities like technical fixes and low hanging fruit keyword targets may provide quick wins. But ranking for valuable keywords against reputable competitors takes time.

Ongoing content creation, link building from authority sites, and maximizing user experience signals are musts. Analysts need time to research opportunities and expand efforts.

SEO success depends on playing the long game. The compounding benefits of larger indexes of content, trustworthy backlinks, and authority make it an investment.

Dedicating resources consistently, even in small amounts, pays off over months and years. SEO establishes greater visibility and lower acquisition costs more sustainably than intermittent efforts.

In summary – SEO analysts are force multipliers. Working with one provides strategic value that goes far beyond tactical website tweaks. By partnering with a savvy analyst and giving SEO time and budget to mature, your site will reap the traffic and conversions it deserves.

SEO Analyst Conclusion 

If you’ve made it this far, you now have a solid understanding of the SEO analyst role and how it can transform your organic search performance.

You know the core responsibilities SEO analysts own, from technical site improvements to content creation and link building. We’ve covered the skills and experience that set reliable analysts apart from the rest.

You’re armed with insider tips on vetting analysts – from cost considerations to red flags. You’ve learned how to set goals and extract maximum value from an analyst through management best practices.

Most importantly, you now see that SEO requires an ongoing investment to realize continual gains. Working with a savvy analyst provides strategic value that evolves over time through compounding optimization.

Committing budget and trusting in the process leads to greater visibility, lower costs per click, and protection against new entrants over the long-term. SEO success depends on playing the long game.

If you’re ready to unlock your website’s true potential, partnering with a dedicated analyst is a smart first step. Just remember – sustainable growth comes from best practices and patient execution, not overnight hacks.